The Conversation

TheConversation.cc needs you, to be complete. With you here, now it’s perfect!

Click here for the zoom link to The Conversation Campfire.

Join us for powerful, “CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER” about navigating life on this planet! Everything centers around the emergent Network of Conversations.

Not just any conversations – transformational conversations.

And by transformational conversations we mean conversations which address, in one or more ways, the fundamental question:

How do we save, heal and transform life on Earth?

The Conversation constitutes a place where anyone (like you!) can come to create a conversation, which you can immediately invite the world to join.  We are also home to a wonderful community of solutionaries, who are meeting basically 24×7, in a race against time to save life on Earth.  We lovingly and wholeheartedly invite you to join us!

Collective Intelligence is the heart of The Conversation.  

Click here to watch a 5 minute video which encapsulates the essence of Collective Intelligence


Yes, that’s right….. EVERY Friday! For a FULL 24 HOURS!!! Starting 7am Pacific time.

Click on our Zoom Room home page for more information or click below to connect straight to our Conversation! Our Full Schedule for Friday is listed below.

So, the question remains:  What do we DO about it all?

The obvious answer is to organize ourselves into a singular, planetary Network of Conversations.  Transformational conversations, that is:  those focused on saving, healing and transforming life on Earth.

If a single conversation is a way for us to collectively “make sense” of a given topic – whatever is being discussed in that single conversation – then a well-designed network of conversations is how we collectively make sense of a much bigger topic, or set of topics, such as for example “saving the Amazon”, or “cooling the planet”.

Scroll down to read more about us and who we are. Click on our About Us to read even more about and be sure to check out our recent recordings!


We are hard at work on specific solutions, with corresponding specific goals and milestones, projects and strategies.  Among the most important and urgent of these which we discuss ongoingly within TheConversation, are:

SRM – Solar Radiation Management

Cooling the planet by reflecting a small percentage (around 3 to 5%) of the incoming solar radiation, back into space, through new reflectivity.  This, to counter the ongoing and exponentially growing rate of planetary overheating (currently in the hundreds of boops per year), and actually transition from net overheating, to net cooling of our planet, within a year of launch of the necessary infrastructure, including ocean-based vessels for marine cloud brightening.  More on this in the following video, among others on our YouTube channel

Food Healers

Making plant-based foods a basic human right, all over the world – feeding everyone who wants, three nutritious delicious hot plant-based meals per day.  (In addition to ending hunger and malnutrition, this is also the fastest way to get the world as a whole – rich and poor – to transition to a 100% plant-based diet).  For a great example of a project in this realm, please see Food Healers-related videos on our YouTube channel

Togetherness and CSI

To varying degrees, each of us possesses a knowing that life on Earth can be “night and day different” from the dystopian mess we are living in at the present time, and that humanity getting herself together is the key.  TheConversation is being designed to bring us together.  CSI stands for collective superintelligence – one of the crucial outcomes of humanity finally coming together in constructive, harmonious ways, as outlined in the sections above, and explored in depth in TheConversation.

 It’s not enough just to have “the idea“ of the solution, and to be able to talk positively about it. We need to go beyond that…

The Conversation, The Block Party, and The Press Conference are merging!

Exciting news:  The Conversation, The Block Party, and The Press Conference are all merging!  The new model is based on The Conversation.

In practical terms, this means:

ALL of the great conversations happening within all three of the above-mentioned venues continue, AND from time to time we will have multiple conversations happening in parallel:  So if there is on topic that grabs you more than the others, you can participate in that one.

How to Participate

If you would like to participate in The Conversation beyond participating in it (e.g., make a presentation followed by Q&A, organize a specific project, lead or co-lead a specific series of conversations, etc.) and/or volunteer in The Lounge, please apply to join Radish.org via the following link:


Therein, please specify what your specific interest is, and we will gladly reach out to you with a proposed time for a conversation.


Growing and exponentiating our own Collective Human Intelligence, so that we can come together and co-create ALL of the solutions we need to save, heal and transform life on Earth, starting with the preceding two.  This is what we at TheConversation.cc are intensively focused on building right now.  Please consider joining us for the project Cambrian II.  The way to start is to select “Yes” for both kinds of emailings on the Sign Up page.

We welcome you to join us, at whatever level of participation you wish. 

There are on the order of millions of active, recurring transformational conversations in the world, via videoconferences such as Zoom.  Typically these conversations happen on a weekly basis, though some are monthly, and some are even daily.  Some are even ongoing 24×7 (people come and go, but the conversation never stops – our main zoom room called The Campfire on TheConversation.cc is a great example of that — please visit us

Follow us on YouTube

We have been meeting in our ZOOM ROOM for a couple of years now! If all participants are comfortable, we record and publish some of our meetings on YouTube. Feel free to check out our videos and subscribe to watch more as we upload frequently


Jamen Shively has worked in technology, humanitarian and environmental projects since his early teens.  He co-founded www.Radish.org in 2014 with the dream of creating a higher form of intelligence, to generate all of the solutions humanity needs to save, heal and transform life on Earth.  Prior to Radish, Jamen was Corporate Strategy Manager at Microsoft, and was later an early pioneer in the legalization of cannabis in the U.S. and Latin America, famously working with former Mexican President Vicente Fox to orchestrate responsible legalization and regulation throughout the Americas.

Jamen Shively

Dr. Sailesh Rao has over three decades of professional experience and is the Founder and Executive Director of Climate Healers, a non-profit dedicated towards healing the Earth’s climate. A systems specialist with a Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, Dr. Rao worked on the internet communications infrastructure for twenty years after graduation. During this period, he led the transformation of early analog internet connections to more robust digital connections that also ran ten times faster, at 1Gb/s. In 2006, he switched careers and became deeply immersed, full time, in solving the environmental crises affecting humanity. Dr. Rao is the author of two books, Carbon Dharma: The Occupation of Butterflies and Carbon Yoga: The Vegan Metamorphosis, and an Executive Producer of four documentaries, The Human Experiment (2013), Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014), What The Health (2017), and A Prayer for Compassion (2019).

Dr. Sailesh Rao

Peter Melton is a promoter of unity consciousness, an author and storyteller, an activist, an advocate for the youth, a networking specialist and the creator of the Unity Sign. His skill set also includes event production, Master of Ceremonies, talk show host and support group leader in the fields of climate change, grief support and mens work.  Peter is a visionary who infuses his big heart and playful spirit into all he does. He also does a pretty good Kermit the Frog impression.  He is the Author of a spirited fable called Waves of Oneness, A Tale of two waves remembering that they are one. www.PeterMelton.com

Peter Melton

We are part of the NEW Social Impact Hub


As well as daily / weekly zoom meetings we organise press conferences frequently in association with TROVE. Click here to see our latest press conference details and to RSVP for future events, including upcoming events with the new Cambrian II Network. You can also create YOUR OWN events with TROVE. Click here to read all about TROVE and get started with your event.

Check out the TROVE CALENDAR for all events

Feel free to check out our Press Conference Website also which is all part of the wider network of networks. Watch some amazing speakers and presentations with one goal, save, heal and transform ALL life on Earth.