With you here, now it’s perfect!

We think of Cambrian II as “the second Cambrian explosion”, this one involving humanity and collective human intelligence exploding into whole new realms, and irreversibly transforming humanity, and life on Earth as a whole.

The way we envision this happening is that a network of conversations will be formed, which is hyper-connected, and which grow exponentially to become a form of collective superintelligence, as predicted by Nick Bostrom in his well-known book Superintelligence.  

We are contributing to this broader planetary mission by organizing a synchronous and hyperconnected network of conversations, once per week, which is the heart and immediate implementation of our project Cambrian II.

For More Info

Sign Up for emailings and / or participation in Cambrian II on Trove

We are contributing to this broader planetary mission by organizing a synchronous and hyperconnected network of conversations, once per week, which is the heart and immediate implementation of our project Cambrian II.

Please consider signing up for emailings of different kinds, as well as joining a network of conversations – either ours or some other network, as all of these will inevitably be interlinked and hyperconnected to each other, forming the basis for one giant planetary collective intelligence – essentially a giant planetary brain made of humanity working together in ways which are fun, enriching, deeply fulfilling and extremely fast and effective.  Please also consider co-creating all of this with us.

From multicellular (Cambrian I – the original Cambrian Explosion), to multi-human (Cambrian II).

In a chicken-and-egg kind of way, we believe the unity of humanity envisioned in Cambrian II is essential for redesigning humanity, spanning story, culture, politics/governance, economics, spirituality, etc. We are leaving behind the old paradigm of separation, and we are also leaving behind the old delusion that we are already highly collectively intelligent, relative to our potential as a species.

Furthermore, we believe a redesigned humanity is essential for solving our existential crises.

Other than collective intelligence exponentiating into collective superintelligence, what other strategy does anyone have for saving, healing and transforming life on earth?

Building a network of conversations which will grow exponentially to constitute the first ever collective superintelligence.

The mission of Cambrian II, is to orchestrate the preceding explosion in human intelligence, and therefore ability to solve our problems and prevent future ones from ever again bringing us so close to the brink.  To the contrary, we intend to co-create a collective superintelligence which is so benevolent and so capable that it becomes the means and medium through which humanity comes together to solve our problems and achieve our full potential.  

In Association with

The Conversation